I love your animation style and the special were very original! The only problem I had was the awkward footing.
I love your animation style and the special were very original! The only problem I had was the awkward footing.
I actually didn't find this too bad! Keep it up!
thank you very much
I love it. Nuff' said. But I did get a sad vibe that made me want to cry all over my laptop. :(
I loved the sprites! And not to mention the animation. I hope there's a sequel!
there will be.
Absolutely beautiful. I'm very excited for this.
Thanks :)
Usually your animations are about the comedy, but when I watched this, I had a whole new perspective on you. It was suspenseful and dramatic.
Just one thing...
When the protagonist got mutated, didn't the guy with the flamey head turn the shilaeghly into a syringe? And then the protagonist somehow got it back and kill the crab monster with it?
haha wow. i didn't even notice that. i guess it goes to show how quickly i was trying to get this done.
just assume it changed back, i guess. but for the record, you are an observant motherfucker.
You're improving! But it was kind of weird to me.
weird is a word to describe it =D
Insert witty phrase here.
Age 30, Male
John Winthrop High
Joined on 1/1/10